Interaction Basis

An account is required to sign transactions. In cheb3, accounts are associated with connections.

To get an account instance, you can either use the existing private key or create a new one.

>>> new_account = conn.account()
>>> existing_account = conn.account("<private-key>")

Working with Contracts

Compiling Source Code

To get the ABI and bytecode of a contract, you can use compile_sol() or compile_file() to compile from a source string or a file.

>>> from cheb3.utils import compile_sol
>>> abi, bytecode = compile_sol('''
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

contract Cheb3Token is ERC20 {
    constructor(string memory _name, string memory _symbol) ERC20(_name, _symbol) {
        _mint(msg.sender, 100);
solc_version="0.8.17",  # choose compiler version
base_path="node_modules/" # to include source code from other directories
)["Cheb3Token"] # choose the expected contract

If you are working on a Hardhat/Foundry project, you can use load_compiled() to reuse the project compilation results.

>>> from cheb3.utils import load_compiled
>>> abi, bytecode = load_compiled(
    "Token.sol",    # the contract file
    "Cheb3Token"    # the contract name, default to the filename without suffix

Interacting with Existing Contracts

cheb3 provides two ways to interact with existing contracts.

Using ABI

If you have the contract’s ABI, you can create a contract instance:

>>> contract = conn.contract(
    account,    # specified the signer

After that, the interaction with the contract is similar to that in Since the contract instance is associated with an account, cheb3 simplifies the process of signing and sending transactions. Take the previously compiled Cheb3Token for example:

>>> to_addr = "0xAcF2f2575dFe641B350fE671f2Eb7E796A4ba402"
>>> contract.functions.balanceOf(account.address).call()    # call a view function
>>> tx_receipt = contract.functions.transfer(to_addr, 10).send_transaction()
1970-01-01 | INFO     | cheb3.contract:send_transaction:236 - (0x4427aF9505D7E800bC2401239023fDA97415999d).transfer transaction hash: 0xcb47f4f1f57db6080cc0abb6bcf4aaae5940bea858b06ef4a0f18984a1f983c6
>>> contract.caller.balanceOf(to_addr)  # another way to call a view function

Using Function Signatures

If you feel lazy to provide the ABI, you can interact with the contract using function signatures:

>>> from cheb3.utils import encode_with_signature
>>> tx_receipt = account.send_transaction(
    data=encode_with_signature("transfer(address,uint256)", to_addr, 10)
1970-01-01 | INFO     | cheb3.account:send_transaction:99 - Transaction to 0x4427aF9505D7E800bC2401239023fDA97415999d: 0x7b363957f43044f3b599ba7bc8e6e07fa5e5c80c149baddebd24a136c570f86c
>>> from cheb3.utils import decode_data
>>> decode_data(
        data=encode_with_signature("balanceOf(address)", account.address)

Deploying New Contracts

With the ABI and bytecode, you can create a contract instance and deploy it:

>>> contract = conn.contract(account, abi=abi, bytecode=bytecode)
>>> contract.deploy("Cheb3Token", "CT") # with constructor arguments
1970-01-01 | DEBUG    | cheb3.contract:deploy:94 - Deploying contract ...
1970-01-01 | INFO     | cheb3.contract:deploy:99 - The contract is deployed at 0x4427aF9505D7E800bC2401239023fDA97415999d

After the deployment, you can continue to use this instance without creating a new one.

If the proxy parameter is set to True, a minimal proxy contract will be deployed and connected to the logic contract:

>>> contract.deploy("Cheb3TokenWithProxy", "CTWP", proxy=True)
1970-01-01 | DEBUG    | cheb3.contract:deploy:94 - Deploying contract ...
1970-01-01 | INFO     | cheb3.contract:deploy:99 - The logic contract is deployed at 0x86CEf5e7Fb9171478135AB27A1885049465F6fA5
1970-01-01 | DEBUG    | cheb3.contract:deploy:116 - Deploying the proxy ...
1970-01-01 | INFO     | cheb3.contract:deploy:121 - The proxy is deployed at 0x8F1d8d499709f4BA4DC28F60068398335435B07C

Another way to deploy a contract with only bytecode is to use send_transaction():

>>> example_bytecode = "0x600a600c600039600a6000f3602a60005260206000f3"
>>> contract_addr = account.send_transaction(
    None,   # to zero address
1970-01-01 | INFO     | cheb3.account:send_transaction:99 - Transaction to None: 0x30b022a47d60dc17be88d5d5da7e4ca0985cbe2abb722cd24bb1a6a4d6931f39