Making Connections

To interact with the blockchain, you need to connect to a node. Since HTTP are the most common way to connect to the node in CTF, cheb3 only supports interaction with HTTP or HTTPS based JSON-RPC server and simplifies the connection process as much as possible.

>>> from cheb3 import Connection
>>> conn = Connection('http://localhost:8545')

Checking the balance of an address

You can use the get_balance() method to check the balance of an address on the corresponding chain.

>>> conn.get_balance('0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e')

Getting the value of a slot of a contract

To get the raw value of a contract’s storage slot, use the get_storage_at() method.

>>> conn.get_storage_at('0x6C3e4cb2E96B01F4b866965A91ed4437839A121a', 0)

The raw value is difficult to read and use, cheb3 provides the decode_data() method to decode it.

>>> from cheb3.utils import decode_data
>>> raw_value = conn.get_storage_at('0x6C3e4cb2E96B01F4b866965A91ed4437839A121a', 0)
>>> decode_data(raw_value, ['address'])